The previous edition

Year after year, the results of the Festival have been increasingly remarkable, starting from the 220 initiatives of the first edition, to the 702 in 2018, topped by the 1,060 events of the 2019 edition; this confirms the growing awareness towards the themes of sustainable development.

In particular, the 2019 Festival registered ample media coverage: all major media outlets, both national and local, covered the Festival, reaching a total of about 1.044 articles and TV and radio segments (+58% compared to 2018), including both print and online versions. Furthermore, the institutional campaign broadcast by the RAI networks, in collaboration with the Department for Information and Publishing of the Government and RAI’s Social Responsibility Department reached more than 100 million overall viewers. The channels of the Sky platform featured the ad for the Festival’s campaign, which was shown 310 times in total. Online, in the month when the Festival was launched (May), the website registered a record number of visitors, with 45 thousand users, +28% compared to the previous year, while the website was visited by 52 thousand users (+40% compared to the previous year).

The social media channels of the Alliance confirmed the real interest of the Italian society to take part in the debate on sustainable development, with 2.2 Tweet views on the ASviS profile and 2.4 million views of Facebook posts during the Festival period. The #FestivalSviluppoSostenibile was trending topic in Italy during the days of the events of the Secretariat, reaching over 22 million people, while the call to action #METTIAMOMANOALFUTURO (let’s lend our hands to the future) highlighted over 100 projects aimed at drawing attention to the positive behaviors of companies, civil society organizations and individuals, reaching over 5 million people and 100 thousand unique users with the hashtag in just 10 days.